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Downside Protection is for Suckers? | Big Earnings Week | Percent of Time in Recessions | Bacon Egg & Cheese Inflation Index | Implied Volatility & Earnings Thumbnail

Downside Protection is for Suckers? | Big Earnings Week | Percent of Time in Recessions | Bacon Egg & Cheese Inflation Index | Implied Volatility & Earnings

By Derek Moore

Show Summary:

Derek Moore previews Apple, Tesla, and Microsoft earnings by looking at the implied moves around earning by the options market. Plus, Bloomberg comes out with a new inflation gauge called The Bacon Egg & Cheese Sandwich index. Later, Derek talks about a new study which shows the percentage of time in recessions by decades. Oh, and reacting to a headline “hedging is for suckers” and why it’s wrong.

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Topics Include:

  • Concentration in the top stocks within the S&P 500 Index
  • Comparing the top weighted companies today vs 1997 in the S&P 500 Index
  • How today it’s all tech vs 30 years ago
  • Why owning the S&P 500 Index is more active than you think
  • Additions to the S&P 500 Index in 2024 and their performance
  • Implied volatility in Netflix options pre-earnings
  • Calculating the implied move around earnings based on implied volatility
  • Looking at the ATM long straddle before earnings including the risk
  • Dollar index and EPS in the S&P correlation
  • Bitcoin believers are starting to think it’s too easy to make money
  • Bitcoin maximalists have been rewarded, and Derek is still a skeptic
  • Value vs Growth and why Value is a tough sell to money managers

Mentioned in this Episode

Jay Pestrichelli’s book Buy and Hedge

Derek’s new book on public speaking Effortless Public Speaking

Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart https://amzn.to/3S8ADNT

Contact Derek


Last Week’s Episode:

Bitcoin Can’t Be This Easy? | S&P 500 Concentration Doesn’t Matter | Company Additions to S&P Performance | Implied Volatility Options Netflix Pre-Earnings

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